Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Note for posterity: Bachmann is not Jewish

OMG People!! Michele Bachmann is NOT Jewish!!! If you like Mitt Romney, then you should like him even if there is a mistakenly Jewish candidate.

She is about as far from Jewish as it gets.

She is a chick-sa with a lot of choot-spah.

Dear @SeanHannity at #foxnews

Dear Sean Hannity,

If I may say so (and even if I may not), you are an absolute idiot. You accuse President Obama of not being intelligent because he mispronounced "corpsman" in a speech. If that is the only criteria for determining intelligence, may I please present for your inspection: the 43rd President of the United States, George W. "Mission Accomplished" Bush.

Really, there are so many places to go here. However, since you judge on a single word, I believe I will do the same. The correct pronounciation of the word nuclear is "new-clee-ur". Not "new-cue-lar".

If the man has his finger on the button, shouldn't he at least know how to pronounce the word?

Next time that you want to disparage the President, please find a more credible argument.

Yours (actually, thankfully not yours),


Monday, August 29, 2011

Twitter knows all

which makes me sad, except when I see tweets like this:

Why do you guys always call us racist?

Gee, why does the far right always complain that they are represented as racist? Uhh... I dunno.

Maybe it's the widespread acceptance of statements like this:
"Powell will vote for Obama. Melanin is thicker than water."

Congressional field trip, part 128

"The test of our progress is not whether we add more to the abundance of those who have much, it is whether we provide enough for those who have too little."

~ Franklin Delano Roosevelt

At the National Mall...

click to enlarge

Friday, August 26, 2011

Ever wonder

Why people who claim to despise federal government so much and vow to end it, are dying to be in it?

Congressional field trip part 1

To the National Mall.... 

"I am not an advocate for frequent changes in laws and constitutions. But laws and institutions must go hand in hand with the progress of the human mind. As that becomes more developed, more enlightened, as new discoveries are made, new truths discovered and manners and opinions change of circumstances, institutions must advance also to keep pace with the times. We might as well require a man to wear still the coat which fitted him when a boy as civilized society to remain ever under the regimen of their barbarous ancestors."

~Thomas Jefferson

Inscribed on the Jefferson Memorial. (emphasis mine)

click to enlarge

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Proving hypocrisy is still alive and well

Glenn "I love Israel far more than anyone in history foreverandever" Beck has decided that we Jews sure do talk a lot. Well, DUH. Is this really news, Glenn?

Ask anyone I know. Jews talk. A lot. And we freely admit it. See? Even now, I'm talking when I've already made my point.

But don't talk about how much the current administration hates Israel and how much you heart Israel way super more than anyone ever before in one breath, and then in the next breath dis the..HELLO... Jewish state of Israel. Don't walk into my house and insult me. Got it? Cause I'm guessing you really don't want to hear what I'd have to say if I went to your house. Oh, no. You already said you don't. Cause we Jews? We never shut up.

(if this doesn't work, then click here for the audio:

Oh, and also? For someone who never shuts up, I don't really think you're one to talk about people who talk a lot.

Just sayin.

Woohoo! Women are equal!

So the President has issued a proclamation that August 26, 2011 is Women's Equality Day. Yipee!!!

Thank you, Mr. President. All in honor of the ratification of the 19th amendment on August 26, 1920.

Mr. President, even though women have the right to vote, we are hardly equal. Just ask anybody. We never should have gotten the legal right to have safe and life-saving medical procedures such as abortion, or breast cancer screenings, or pap smears, or mental health counseling. We should always be submissive to our husband's wishes. We shouldn't have the right to safe and effective preventive health care, or even any health care. We should be barefoot and pregnant at all times, making all the sacrifice necessary to stay home to raise our children.

Hey, Mr. President. You have a beautiful, intelligent, accomplished wife. You have two beautiful young girls, who I'm sure will grow up to be amazing young women - look at their mother and father.

If you want to proclaim equality for women, then how about you protect them from all the horrendous laws being passed in the name of "protecting" others, but do squat about protecting women. How about we tighten up domestic abuse policies instead of loosening them. How about we educate our children properly. How about you actually open your mouth to declare that what is happening state by state is morally and ethically wrong.

Proclaiming women as equals does not make it so. Putting your money where your mouth is would go a damn sight further than making a meaningless proclamation.

Stand up and tell the country what's happening is wrong. Stand up and tell them that the Supreme Court gave women control over their bodies, and also the right to use birth control. Stand up and tell the country that rape is not the woman's fault. Stand up and tell the country that their husband doesn't have the right to beat the crap out of them.

Stand up, because otherwise, your daughters will end up back in 1920, when the 19th amendment was passed. They'll be persecuted for the color of their skin, they'll be unable to get health care, should they be so unlucky as to need public clinics, or perhaps even their own health insurance will prohibit them from obtaining proper health care. They'll be forced to undergo police interrogation and prosecution as a murderer if, g-d forbid, they have a miscarriage that the IRS doesn't deem as "accidental." They'll be forced to bear any child they conceive as the result of a rape.

They will be 2nd class citizens, because just saying women are equal doesn't make it so.

Yes, I really am going to go there

I have friends and relatives of all flavors. Conservative, liberal, Christian, Jewish, Muslim, Buddhist, Republican, Democrat. 'Some of my best friends are'... gay, straight, teachers, blacks... Yes, I went there.

I decided to start this blog because I've been inundating my poor Facebook page with my thoughts and the horrors of the current political and social climate in the US, and while I believe it's hugely important to educate the idiots ignorant intolerant uneducated general population on who is in power and what they are doing with that power, I was beginning to feel kind of bad for all my friends. They became my friend on Facebook to hear all about my life and my love for my children, husband, dog, friends, etc. Not necessarily to hear me ranting crying because our country is going down the crapper.

No worries, though. I'll feed the blog over to my Facebook profile page anyway. This just lets me be a little more, errr...., outspoken on particular issues that I feel are important, such as the vilification of our teachers, the subjugation of women (wait, that's already taken...), the attacks on the poor and underserved, the media and their inability or unwillingness to call out the lunacy and be true journalists instead of sensationalists, and any other little thing that pops into my head.

So please, stop in and tell me what you think. But please be sure to read the commenting policy. Because while I embrace diversity of thought and the open exchange of ideas, I don't embrace assholes anyone proseletizing rudely in the comments. That right is reserved for me. Hey, it's my blog. I get to write the rules. And enforce them *glee*.