Friday, December 20, 2019

Impeachment and the hypocrisy of the Christian far-right

Christianity Today printed an op-ed calling for President Trump's removal from office following the impeachment hearings and subsequent Impeachment in the House of Representatives. Trump then called CT a far-left publication (LOLforever) and then Franklin Graham came out in support of Trump and denounced the op-ed. As such, whenever publications talk about Franklin Graham, they seem to always mention Samaritan's Purse - the organization that provides help to people in 3rd world countries as long as they are willing to listen to them proselytize.

Given that, and the direction that our country is heading - legislating Christianity into the public sphere - I though it relevant to repost this rant from 2006 from my personal blog.

Reposted from November 8, 2006 from my personal blog (deliberately unlinked)

Separation of Church and State?... or 4th grade indoctrination?

I'm feeling a need to rant. I’m hoping that I don’t offend anyone here, but my goodness. My 4th grader came home from school with a letter from his teacher (whom we adore, btw). Here’s the first paragraph of the letter, verbatim:

Dear Parents,
We need your help and support. As we enter this season of giving, our class has overwhelmingly voted to get involved and support a very worthwhile and special cause to help children. The program is called Operation Christmas Child, and is a project of Samaritan’s Purse. Mrs. XXXX, one of our kindergarten teachers visited our class upon my invitation and explained the program to the children. This project reinforces our class motto, “Treat others the way you want to be treated”, and the class theme, “I Believe, I Can Achieve, and I Will Succeed.” The children decided to help other children succeed who have very little. For more information please see the attached brochure.

The brochure is for Operation Christmas Child, and features an obviously Muslim little girl on the front clutching a gaily wrapped Christmas present. Inside, is a letter from the organization's president, Billy Graham’s son, explaining how all the needy children who receive Christmas presents from this organization will be taught "about God’s greatest gift, His son Jesus Christ. "

I went to their website, and a portion of the mission statement of this organization reads:
“Since 1970, Samaritan's Purse has helped meet needs of people who are victims of war, poverty, natural disasters, disease, and famine with the purpose of sharing God's love through His Son, Jesus Christ. The organization serves the Church worldwide to promote the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ."

Pardon me, but isn’t that altruistic? Let’s help them so we can promote Jesus. How about helping them because they need help? Oops, wrong rant. This is a public school/religion rant.

And I should mention that I really don't have a problem with the organization per se, because it appears that they are out there helping the needy. My issue is with the promotion of the organization at my son's public school.

Is it me, or am I wrong in having a problem with the public schools asking my Jewish son to participate in Billy Graham’s organization? People file law suits over stuff like this. Don’t get me wrong, we have absolutely no intention of filing a law suit. We did however, write a very restrained letter explaining why our son would not be participating in an Evangelical charity and expressing our disappointment that the school would sanction such a classroom activity. We also explained that we involve our children in giving to those less fortunate than ourselves every year at the holidays and, actually all year round, and that we have explained to our son why he wouldn't be participating.

We also suggested some better choices for next time, such as collecting and wrapping presents for children at our local battered women’s shelter or for the unplaced children in the local foster care system. It was quite professional and restrained, if I do say so myself, when I really wanted to kick and scream about how fricking inappropriate it was.

I’ve often mentioned how I live in the bible belt of my county, but this is taking it a bit too far. The letter from the teacher was cc’d to the principal, and I’m shocked that she didn’t put the kibosh on the project. But I'm often shocked at her behavior. I’m also amazed that I’m the only parent that has a problem with it. But then again, the only other Jewish boy in Youngest's grade is in another class this year.

Am I wrong?

F/U: we let him participate in wrapping the gifts because he wanted to participate, but we still weren't happy about it.

Thursday, December 19, 2019

Yes. I DO take joy in this impeachment. Here’s why.

All over the internet there’s discussion of whether we should take joy in the impeachment of Donald Trump. I see some friends whooping it up. I see others that say they take no joy. Well, I do take joy, and I think it’s important to talk about why.

It’s not because I don’t like him – I don’t. It’s not because I think he’s a terrible human being – I do. It’s not because his political ideology doesn’t jive with mine – it doesn’t. It’s not because he’s a narcissist – he is. It’s not because he’s a nepotist – he is. It’s not because he lets people buy their way into positions of power – he does. It’s not because he has no heart – he does (it’s just filled with hate).  It's not because he's a liar who can't tell the truth if his life depended on it – he is. It’s not because I want to reverse the outcome of the election – I do.

It’s one simple reason:
Our Constitution still works.

Our Constitution still works, and that gives me a small sliver of hope that our democratic republic is not completely dead. The House of Representatives has done its job. Impeachment is written into the Constitution for a reason. Not to get rid of presidents we don’t like. Not to reverse an election (though how I wish we could!). If Trump is removed from office, the election isn’t reversed. He was still president. If Trump is removed from office, Hillary Clinton doesn’t get to be president (dammit!). But it does mean that we still agree that a US President is not above the law. A US President is not a monarch, immune to the laws of the country over which they rule. A US President is not a dictator, alone getting to decide what happens, who lives or dies.

Impeachment is written into the Constitution because our founders believed in the separation of powers, that no one branch of government should have complete control. That nobody, including a US President, is above the law.

Donald Trump has used the presidency to consolidate money and power. All presidents do that in some way. But he has done it in a way that consistently violates the rule of law. He “urges” foreign leaders to stay in his hotels, from which he never divested his interest, even though he said he would. When the leader off the free world says you should stay in his hotel, and you rely on that leader's country for financial, social, and military support, you do it.

Donald Trump is committing crimes against humanity. He is forcing families apart, making them live in cages, separating babies from their families, refusing to let them be vaccinated, refusing medical care and basic human needs, adopting their children out to US families without consent, depriving them of dignity and human decency. Do I hope he’s held to account in a court of law for all of this? You bet your ass I do.

Donald Trump has repudiated everything our country has stood for over the last 230+ years. We are no longer a beacon of hope for the tired, the poor, the huddled masses yearning to breathe free. He gleefully sends asylum seekers back to be killed in the countries they flee. He cares nothing for people who do not look like him or live in his social sphere, refusing to accept refugees because they “don’t contribute”, which is bullshit but again, I digress. He has absolutely no humanity.

Donald Trump has hurt our standing in the world. Oh sure. You can choose to believe him when he says, “They were laughing at us before. They aren’t laughing now.” Except they are. We no longer are a moral leader. Our guidance is no longer needed – there are others to step into that role. We are no longer respected, we are only coddled because of the money we bring to the table. That is the only world that Donald Trump understands. And that is sad. Except it’s not sad, it's enraging. Because it is ruining our democracy.

Some people can’t believe that after all the emoluments clause violations; after all of the Trump foundation violations; after all the national security violations; after all the subversion of the free press; after pushing to make the US a theocracy; after all of the taxpayer paid vacations… hey, we HATED it when the black guy picked up a golf club, remember? Oh right. Golf and the country club are for rich white dudes, my bad. I digress. After all of the crimes against humanity; what caused us to impeach was a shakedown of the Ukranian president.

Frankly, I don’t care what takes him down. Al Capone was taken down by tax violations (something I’m sure would also take down trump if his henchman judges would ever make him release his taxes). I only care that he goes.

One man could have stopped all of this, but has chosen not to. Mitch McConnell, longing for the olden days of yore and slavery and Reagan, refuses to hold this president to account. He’s chosen to ignore close to 400 bills on his desk from the House of Representatives – some of which would hold this president to account by clarifying the limitations of his power. McConnell has chosen instead, to abdicate his responsibility as the Senate Majority Leader in order to use his role instead to preserve an antiquated view of society – lining the courts with lifetime appointments of judges that the American Bar Association deems unsuitable. With judges that will take any social progress of the last 60 years and throw it in the trash. Judges that refuse to say that Brown was decided correctly. That refuse to adhere to settled law that a woman is an autonomous being in her own right with 14th amendment rights. It will take us many decades to undo the damage caused in just 3 short years.

I’m pretty sure this was their agreement. I’ll let you get away with all your illegal crap if you let me choose all the judges I want to preserve our old rich white man land owner “democracy”.

Mitch McConnell deserves to rot in a prison cell at best. At the very least, he deserves to be removed from his position as Majority Leader. Somewhere in the middle lies an election, where the people of Kentucky can fix the country. (Donate to Amy McGrath here)

So do I take joy in Donald Trump's impeachment? You bet your ass I do. No, I don't like him. Yes, I wish he'd never been elected. I hate what it says about our country that he was elected in the first place. I hate what it says about my friends and family who did, and still do, support him and all his ideology. But that's not why I take joy.  It's because it still works.

Our Constitution still works.

Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Once more for the people in the back...

And so, my friends, we are once again back here to talk about how terrible the GOP is. And how willfully ignorant they are. And how subservient to Trump they are. And because I'm all riled up, I didn't even go looking for pictures to break this up or to use as comic relief. And I didn't bother with links, because if you follow the threads below, they're all there. Because it's depressing to go googling for this shit day after day. So I've got nothing pithy and clever. Because you are in for a serious lesson right now.

You see, Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez tweeted out how America is running concentration camps at the southern border. And then Liz Cheney tried to school AOC on concentration camps, but clearly she needs to go back to school herself.

Well, Congresswoman Liz Cheney couldn't let that stand. Because if ANYONE knows about torture and how to be shitty to their fellow human beings it's a Cheney.

Almost all of twitter clapped back, including myself. As you know, I absolutely hate it when people compare things that are not the Holocaust to the Holocaust. And when people equate others with whom they simply don't agree with Hitler. Case in point... However, that shouldn't prevent us from recognizing the repetition of the pattern of the *actual* Hitler Nazis and trying to stop it.

Howsomever, in this case, AOC is absolutely right. What the US is doing meets the definition of concentration camps, provided below by some little known place called... *checks notes*... The Auschwitz Museum. You see, everyone equates the Holocaust only with death camps. But we know, because we STUDIED HISTORY, that this isn't the case.

So, once more for the people in the back.

The Holocaust didn't start with death camps and gas chambers and ovens and firing squads. It began with a concentrated campaign to identify Jews as "others", as animals, as not human. (I seem to recall a certain president using these terms for brown people.)

Then, Hitler tried to make life so unpleasant through laws and regulations that Jews would emigrate out of Germany voluntarily. When that didn't work, he rounded us up and put us in camps, where living conditions were terrible. Hmmm... that kind of sounds like "self-deportation, doesn't it?

Too many people were crammed into living space that was unsanitary, medical treatment was denied, education was denied, food was insufficient and contaminated. Sound familiar?

Then, when we pesky Jews were concentrated in large groups, separated from humanity, scratching and scraping for our existence, then and only then did he move past concentration camps into the extermination phase - the "final solution".

THIS is what we are trying to avoid here and now. This is what we mean when we say Never Forget and Never Again. Yes, in general it's in the context of not letting this happen to us Jews ever again. But in the larger context, it's meant that we can never allow this to happen to another group of people ever again.

Also, Liz Cheney forced me to type out the words "final solution" twice, and for that I will never forgive her. It physically hurt me to type those words. I have a visceral reaction to them. Even at work, when we talk about the thing that will fix something forever, I can't bring myself to use those words, even though they are likely the most germaine.

People like Liz Cheney do us no favors by their blind allegiance to their party (which coincidentally was also a Nazi trait) and their unwillingness to acknowledge American inhumanity. History will not look kindly upon those who did nothing, especially those that aided and abetted.

Although Jews were by far the most affected and murdered group, the Nazi campaign also affected Blacks, LGBT, Roma, and other populations not deemed to be the "master race". I've been hearing a lot of talk of "othering" and talk that sounds an awful lot like "master race" talk. And Nazi concentration camps look an awful lot like the camps that we are setting up in border towns. Additionally, now that we've transferred control of these camps over to DoD, they aren't necessarily open to observation. Which also sounds an awful lot like Nazi concentration camps. And is likely a complete violation of the Geneva convention.

So, back to Liz Cheney. There is a difference between concentration camps and death camps. Please educate yourself and learn some actual history. Don't assume you know everything about my history. Per the Auschwitz Museum, the difference begins here (emphasis mine):

The main difference between concentration camps, where prisoners of various nationalities were incarcerated, and extermination centers (Auschwitz, Treblinka, Sobibor, Belzec, Kulmhof, Majdanek), where nearly all the victims were Jewish, was in the first place the annihilation method, while the final goal – the physical elimination of the victims – remained the same (both Auschwitz and Majdanek were "atypical" extermination centers since they were organizationally and spatially combined with concentration camps under the same names). Concentration camps used as the main annihilation method hunger combined with physical exhaustion. The death of prisoners was also accelerated by other conditions of existence in the camps: the lack of proper clothes, rest and medical care, poor sanitary conditions, as well as insufficient living conditions. Unlike the victims of the extermination centers killed immediately upon their arrival in the gas chambers, the prisoners of concentration camps stayed there for shorter or longer periods (some of them managed to survive the war).

Concentration camps, being an alternative to mass executions, were a tool for the physical elimination and served at the same time the cause of disguising the crimes committed there. Since they formally, by name and organizational structure, referred to pre-war camps, where Hitler’s opponents were isolated, their denomination related, as it were, to a concept to some extent familiar to the public in Germany and other countries.
In fact, even the Auschwitz Museum had to pipe in, and they got some clapback as well because all of humanity is terrible. Because like I said, they are just some little known place in a far away country. They retweeted this from Jan 1:
This is what is happening right now in the USA. I'm a Jew. I don't demean my history or my family's history if I say that we have moved into the concentration camp phase of Trump's plan. And yes, like Hitler, I'm positive there's a plan. The time for benefit of the doubt has passed. Concentration camps evolve into death camps. Twitterererer @JRehling put together a handy-dandy timeline comparison just for Liz:

If you aren't sure how to *do* the twitter, here it is (click to embiggen):

The one thing left off of this image is a notation for 1933, right after Hitler became Chancellor. That is the year that Dachau, the first Nazi concentration camp, opened. On the timeline, that equates to around the time we started incarcerating brown people and refugees in camps at the border. Hmmm...

So. Yes. Don't wildly equate people or situations you don't like as Hitler or Nazi. But do call a concentration camp a concentration camp. A concentration camp is not equivalent to the Holocaust. But if we don't allow ourselves to use the correct terminology, then how will we ever prevent another Holocaust? Because Mr Fine People on Both Sides is getting ready to become even more authoritarian (oh, hey! a majority of his "fans" want him to have more than 2 terms. Oh, ok then).

I fear every day for the lives of these poor people who came here seeking asylum and are now stuck in a concentration camp. I fear for those poor people who just came here wanting a better life for themselves and their children. In addition to the terrible conditions in these camps - the freezer, cramming folks into spaces meant for far fewer people, poor sanitation, lack of medical care, insufficient and contaminated food. In addition to that, we are separating 4 month old babies from their parents and keeping little tiny innocent children in cages like animals. WHO DOES THAT?

The outcry is that "we are better than this". America, I hate to tell you this, but clearly we are not better than this. We ARE this.

America, get your shit together. Vote him and his enablers out. History will not look kindly upon you for your silence. Silence = complicity.

And now, if you need a palate cleanser, may I direct you to this twitter account of a wonderful, funny, brave woman. It's filled with good doggos and wonderful stories of adventure in the wild tundra.

Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Georgia hates women (ok, Ohio does too)... who would have ever thought it?

Does Georgia hate us because Brian Kemp had to steal an election from a more qualified woman? "People are saying" that.

So anyway, this news out of Georgia is pretty terrifying. And if you have a wife, sister, mother, daughter, friend, or acquaintance who is a woman, you should be terrified for them too.

Brian Kemp, who stole the GA governorship in 2018, just signed Georgia HB481 into law. Here's what it does:

It declares full personhood and full legal recognition for embryos, including counting them in census, by stating that "modern medical science" proves this to be true.
Fetuses “shall be included in population based determinations” from now on, because they are legally humans, and residents of the state.
It outlaws abortion as soon as a heartbeat can be heard (typically around 6 weeks gestation).
It prohibits doctors from terminating any pregnancy after they can detect “embryonic or fetal cardiac activity”. I mean, I had so many times when my period was 2 or 3 weeks late for whatever reason. I had times when I just skipped a month altogether. Hell, I was trying to get pregnant and still didn't know I was pregnant until 10 weeks.
It allows a woman who aborts a pregnancy to be sued for the "full value of life of the child"
It's unclear who gets to decide this, but I'm sure it will be a man.
It dictates 1st degree murder charges, allowing life in prison or the death penalty for women who self-terminate, including with prescribed drugs.
From this Slate article: "But the most startling effect of HB 481 may be its criminalization of women who seek out unlawful abortions or terminate their own pregnancies. An earlier Georgia law imposing criminal penalties for illegal abortions does not apply to women who self-terminate; the new measure, by contrast, conspicuously lacks such a limitation. It can, and would, be used to prosecute women. Misoprostol, a drug that treats stomach ulcers but also induces abortions, is extremely easy to obtain on the internet, and American women routinely use it to self-terminate. It is highly effective in the first 10 weeks of pregnancy. Anti-abortion advocates generally insist that they do not want to punish women who undergo abortions. But HB 481 does exactly that. Once it takes effect, a woman who self-terminates will have, as a matter of law, killed a human—thereby committing murder. The penalty for that crime in Georgia is life imprisonment or capital punishment."

It provides for 2nd degree murder charges, punishable by 10-30 years in prison for women who get an abortion from a physician or who miscarry due to their own conduct.
Such as... using drugs, or, you know, being in the 25% of women who miscarry, because being a woman is also, apparently, your own fault.
Also from the Slate article: "HB 481 would also have consequences for women who get abortions from doctors or miscarry. A woman who seeks out an illegal abortion from a health care provider would be a party to murder, subject to life in prison. And a woman who miscarries because of her own conduct—say, using drugs while pregnant—would be liable for second-degree murder, punishable by 10 to 30 years’ imprisonment. Prosecutors may interrogate women who miscarry to determine whether they can be held responsible; if they find evidence of culpability, they may charge, detain, and try these women for the death of their fetuses."
It provides for conspiracy to commit murder for women who travel out of state to get an abortion. And if you're the driver, you also get charged.
Again, from Slate: "If a Georgia resident plans to travel elsewhere to obtain an abortion, she may be charged with conspiracy to commit murder, punishable by 10 years’ imprisonment. An individual who helps a woman plan her trip to get an out-of-state abortion, or transports her to the clinic, may also be charged with conspiracy. These individuals, after all, are “conspiring” to end of the life of a “person” with “full legal recognition” under Georgia law."
It repeals almost everything in the Women's Right to Know Act, which forced ultrasounds on women seeking abortions. Because abortion is illegal, so women don't need to know shit, apparently. It also repeals anything in conflict with the wording of this law.

It incorrectly states that at 20 weeks, fetuses "evade" pain.
Every single obstetric and gynecologic medical organization has declared this to be false.
This is not about just restricting access. If it was, then the argument the anti-choice movement has been making about "just go somewhere it's legal" would still apply. But this law charges women who go where it's legal with conspiracy to commit murder.

This is not about preserving life. Because they also make a woman carry an ectopic pregnancy. (Whoops! That's Ohio. They also just signed a new heartbeat law. You can understand how I got this all mixed up, so I'll just leave it in anyway.) This is about power and control over women, pure and simple.

This is not about religion. My religion pretty much states that embryos and fetuses are not people, and dictates an abortion if a woman is ill or in danger. So this law impinges on my 1st amendment right to exercise my religion freely.

This is not about anything except controlling women and putting them back in their place, subservient to men and making sammiches – and severely punishing them if they refuse to comply.

You'd better hope you never have a miscarriage in the state with one of the worst infant and maternal mortality rates in the nation. Or travel elsewhere and have a miscarriage.

This is why goddamned elections matter, people. At the local, state and national level.

Because the goal of all of these laws, in addition to punishing women for daring to want any autonomy over their body and decisions, is to get a case up to the Supreme court.

It's why the GOP have been packing the courts all during the Trump presidency.

It's why the rat bastard Mitch McConnell refused to hold a hearing for Merrick Garland and then rushed through 2 right wing SCOTUS candidates who care nothing for the rule of law or for women.

It's why the GOP has sold its soul and is gleefully happy about it.

It's why they are willing to let the United States become a laughingstock across the globe.

It's why they are willing to give up any semblance of a decent reputation that they might have once had.

Because they all get to pack the courts for decades to come with far right wing crazy-ass shitheads who only care about anyone who is a rich white "Christian" man or a wealthy corporation.

You need to get your ass to the polls and vote. Vote in person, vote by mail, vote by fucking osmosis. Because next, they're coming for you. Whoever "you" are.

In a time when women are blamed for getting raped, and blamed for being poor mothers, and being blamed for working outside the home to support their children, and being blamed for the sun setting at night, we are once again going to blame them for something that naturally occurs in 25% of all pregnancies.

If only companies would get on board with moving out of Georgia, and not holding events there like they rightly did with the bathroom bill in NC.

But, you know. This is about women, so.

Blessed be the fruit, and all that jazz.