Monday, December 12, 2011

Again I ask, Why do you guys always call us racist?

I've tried to curtail my ranting in deference to my blood pressure, but the past couple days have brought some just awful stories in the news. For example, I've kept my mouth shut as Rick Santorum threw himself back into the limelight with a vengeance, creating several Santorum is an Ass moments.

However, in response to the age old question that the Tea Party and Republicans keep asking about why people would ever think they're racist, I just couldn't keep my mouth shut any longer...

The Patriot Freedom Alliance Tea Party of Hutchinson, Kansas posted on its home page a picture of a skunk with the following text:
The skunk has replaced the eagle as the new symbol for the president. It is half black, half white, and almost everything it does, stinks.
In yet another version of "I know you are, but what am I?", they have defended their position by saying that Sarah Palin has been called worse.

Then, there's good ol' Rush Limbaugh, the king of the racists. Laughing about Kwanzaa, Hanukkah, and the President.

I think Bill Maher summed it up perfectly in his New Rules.

Oh yes. And then there's the campaign to rid all advertising from All-American Muslim. The Florida Family Association has run a campaign to get all advertisers to back out of the show, claiming it's Muslim propaganda. Lowe's has apparently succumbed to the pressure. Because we all know that the retirees in Florida are spending their retirement dollars at Lowe's. Pretty sure that if Home Depot wanted to get a leg up, they should advertise on TLC right about now.

The irony is, of course, that the show seeks to reach out and teach understanding of Muslims and their faith to good old fashioned Americans. Ok then.

It's just another act that proves the point that corporate America is in the pockets of the far right. And yes, that's a huge generalization. But lately, I haven't seen a whole lot about corporations doing a lot to promote peace, tranquility, and prosperity for the little guy. Please feel free to point out all the wonderful corporations that are out there doing the right thing. I'd love to send my money their way.

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