Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Access to birth conrtol is NOT Nazi ideology

Can people on both sides PLEASE stop invoking the "Nazi" comparison?

The latest is Eric Metaxas, commentator on MSNBC's Jansing & Co. In a debate with a rep from NARAL about contraception coverage this morning, he said the following:

"In [my] book, you read about what happened to an amazingly great country, called Germany. I'm half German. Uh, in the early '30s, little things were happening where the state was bullying the churches. No one spoke up. In the beginning, it always starts really, really small. We need to understand as America, as Americans, if we do not see this as a bright line in the sand, if you're not a Catholic, if you use contraception, doesn't matter. Because eventually, this kind of government overreach will affect you. If we don't speak up, we're gonna be in trouble."

First off, let's get one thing clear. The government is not mandating that women must use birth control. The government is saying that when women DO use birth control, it should be completely covered at no cost. Period.

Also, a poll from the Public Religion Research Institute reveals that a majority of Catholics support the decision (at a higher rate 58 to 55% than does America as a whole). And frankly, the only group polled that disagrees with the mandate are those who identified as white evangelical Christians.

Source: PRRI Religion & Politics Tracking Survey, Feb 2012

Churches are exempt from the policy. But places where employees are likely to be from diverse religious backgrounds, such as hospitals or universities, must provide coverage. Provide coverage, not force people to use it. Geez.

Plus, I'm really tired of people who want to impose religion into everything we do, suddenly crying "Separation of Church and State!!!" to the heavens. You are as hypocritical as they come. These are the same people who would have prayer (Christian prayer) in public schools, who write policy and laws based on (incorrect) biblical reference. These are the same people who preach Jesus all over their speeches and government criticisms, yet act in a fashion that would make Jesus turn over in his grave (if he hadn't you know, already gotten up out of his grave). Yet when these people don't like a law, they cry "Wait!! The Constitution!!" Just STFU already. Seriously, you're irking my shit.

But back to my original point.

So many people (from both sides, but mostly the far right) are comparing any law, ruling, mandate, opinion that they don't care for as being just like the Nazis.

Nazi Germany was under rule by a man and subsequently his party, whose mission was to systematically rid the planet of entire race/ethicity of peoples. Jews, blacks, homosexuals. And they systematically and without remorse went about achieving that goal. By murdering people. Live people. Already born people. People who were actually people. Anyone who wasn't like them.

Does that sound like the same thing as making contraception available for those who would like to use it? I think not.

So STOP invoking the Nazis as a comaprison for everything you don't support.

As a Jew, I'm offended.
As part of a military family, whose family members served during WW2, I'm offended.
As an American, I'm offended.

And as a human being, I'm offended.

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