Wednesday, December 19, 2012

How America’s priorities are effed up

We perseverate on the wrong things here in America. No, we do. I wasn’t planning on posting about the horrific tragedy in Connecticut last Friday, because I can’t even hear about it on the radio without busting into tears. So I'm not going to do the emotion-packed post. I just can't. And many much more eloquent than me have talked about their ruminations on how God could allow this to happen. However, our misplaced priorities struck me as I was scrolling through my blog feed this morning.

On 9/11, hijackers used box cutters to overpower the airlplanes. So now? We have no real silverware on planes and we can’t take little pointy combs onto airplanes. No seriously. My hubby’s 90 yo grandmother had hers confiscated at security.

We had one crazy dude put a bomb in his shoe. Now? Every single passenger has to take off their shoes to go through security. In 2012, they finally acknowledged that little old ladies are unlikely to place a bomb in their shoes, so if you’re over 75, you get a reprieve. Gee, thanks!

We had someone come on board with liquid explosives, so now? You can’t bring your own water on board. Can’t afford $5 for an 8 oz bottle of water on the other side of security? Tough luck. Other things you can’t bring on board? Peanut butter. No. Seriously. During Pesach last year, I was traveling on business. It was 2-day trip, so I avoided a check-in bag as I like to do. Problem was, I had my matzah crackers and unopened small (albeit larger than 3 oz) jar of peanut butter in my carry-on. Guess what went into the trash? Yup. Peanut butter.


We’ve had 62 mass shootings in the last 30 years. And hundreds of thousands of gun-related “non-mass-shooting” deaths since then. The answer? Take away the guns? Don't be ridiculous (TM Balki). The answer is, of course, MOAR GUNS.

How does that make sense?

In the same breath they contend that women have thousands of abortions every year. The answer? Outlaw abortion! But of course!

How does that make sense?

Well, you see. Abortions are about the wiminz, and GUNS are about the MANLY MEN and making the MANLY MEN feel MANLY. Think I'm wrong? Good luck convincing me. I saw this great quote today from Eclectablog: "If only guns were as well regulated in this country as vaginas are."

Oh, and also? We should arm teachers. With assault rifles. Teachers who, by the way, do not wish to be armed. Because, yeah. What could go wrong there? Mother Jones did a thorough study on mass shootings in America and how many were prevented by an armed civilian taking out a shooter. The answer? Zero. None. Zilch. Nada. Although, several of those armed civilians did manage to get themselves killed in the attempt. Brave of them, but freaking stupid.

Also, these same people who now want to arm teachers and other educators with assault rifles in the classroom (I shit you not) are the same people who think teachers are worthless sacks of shit who are union thugs getting paid bazillions of dollars for part time work. So… if we arm them, don’t we have to train them? (Naaaahhh.) And if we train them as first responders, don’t we have to include them in all the exemptions that other first responder unions get in all those right to work (for less) states? The right to have a union shop. The right to collectively bargain.

Make up your minds America!! Are teachers worthless bags of crap who don’t do a thing for our children or are they amazingly qualified to take care of our children under the worst kind of duress?

And why why why doesn’t the media call out this kind of idiotic hypocrisy? Also, why doesn't the media just give the stats on gun-related deaths - you know... REPORT the FACTS instead of worrying about being seen as "left-leaning".

And for the many who blame this horrible tragedy on homosexuality, or abortion pills, or WHERE IS GOD IN OUR SCHOOLS?!?!, I say screw you. God has been out of our schools for over 200 years. And if this is God’s way of punishing us, did you ever stop to think maybe He is sick of your self-righteous, homophobic, misogynist, Christian-supremacy ways? Maybe he wants YOU to shut up instead of everyone else. Maybe He’s telling you that you DON’T speak for Him.

Whoa, calm yourself, Lori. God and our personal private feelings about Him are just that. Private. Personal.

That is off topic, however I somehow don’t think that the families burying their babies in temples and churches as a result of gun violence in Connecticut and across the nation think it’s because they abandoned God. They likely do think, however, it’s because anyone can buy an assault weapon and magazines, and hollowpoint bullets only intended for military use, and shoot up their little children.

When you say " if the principal should have had an assault rifle she wouldn't have died", how do you think you make her family feel? That brave woman died trying to save her students and you demean her like that?

When you say that "if George Zimmerman had been there, those children would still be alive", you place a murderer in higher esteem than small children and the educators who gave their lives to protect them.

When you say that those little babies could have prevented this if only someone had taught them to rush the gunman (because we all know that 8 or 10 6-year olds can easily defeat a heavily armed adult male), you blame this massacre on the victims. Think what that does to their parents?

When you blame this on homosexuals or abortion, well... I got nothing. You're just an effing stupid lunatic.

How about we take care of the obvious first, hmmm?

Like this:
- Charlotte Bacon, 6
- Daniel Barden, 7
- Rachel Davino, 29.
- Olivia Engel, 6
- Josephine Gay, 7
- Ana M. Marquez-Greene, 6
- Dylan Hockley, 6
- Dawn Hochsprung, 47
- Madeleine F. Hsu, 6
- Catherine V. Hubbard, 6
- Chase Kowalski, 7
- Jesse Lewis, 7
- James Mattioli, 6
- Grace McDonnell, 7
- Anne Marie Murphy, 52
- Emilie Parker, 6
- Jack Pinto, 6
- Noah Pozner, 6
- Caroline Previdi, 6
- Jessica Rekos, 6
- Avielle Richman, 6
- Lauren Rousseau, 30
- Mary Sherlach, 56
- Victoria Soto, 27
- Benjamin Wheeler, 6
- Allison N. Wyatt, 6

זִכְרוֹנוֹ לִבְרָכָה May their memories be for a blessing.

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