Thursday, December 13, 2012

Quote of the day: Oops, Matt Lauer is a jerk

"It was obviously an unfortunate incident. It kind of made me sad on two accounts. One was that I was very sad that we live in an age when someone takes a picture of another person in a vulnerable moment, and rather than delete it, and do the decent thing, sells it. And I’m sorry that we live in a culture that commodifies the sexuality of unwilling participants."
Actress Anne Hathaway with an incredibly classy and insightful "shame on you" to Matt Lauer on the Today show

Because some idiot photographer caught her getting out of a car in a short skirt that rode a little too high, and before she could pull it down, said photographer grabbed a crotch shot and sold & posted it on the internet. And because Matt Lauer, being the very hard-hitting investigative reporter & journalist and all-around really decent guy that he is, needed to not only embarrass a woman on his show, but also bring it to the attention of thousands of unaware viewers so they could all go have a peek at the peek show, too.

Yay freedom of the press!

Don't get me wrong - freedom of the press is hugely important. It's one of the strongest tenets of our society. But think back to why it's in our constitution. It is so the press can speak out against policy and government without fear of retribution. I'm guessing it wasn't so we could post crotch shots of celebrities without their consent or knowledge. So yes, it's important for us to have freedom of the press.

Matt Lauer had the audacity to ask about her "wardrobe malfunction". First off, it wasn't a wardrobe malfunction. She wasn't in front of millions of people intentionally drawing attention to herself. She was getting out of a car and adjusting her clothing. Because Matt Lauer never has to adjust his coat or pants when he steps out of a car.

"What is the lesson learned from something like that?" he asked.

Lesson learned? Other than you're a complete douchebag? How about this? Our press needs to find something useful and important to report on, rather than trying to titillate and enable the dumbing down of our society and encouraging the misogynist attitudes that seek to nullify strong, talented, accomplished women.

Because nothing else important is going on in our country right now that might need the attention of the press for which that amendment was designed.

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