Friday, March 22, 2013

The USPS: Congress' latest victim

So... Congress can vote to end billions of funds for the less fortunate, "tighten our belts", lay off millions of government employees and crow in glee about it. But God forbid we move to 5 day mail service to save jobs, jobs, jobs and money?

In its latest bonehead move, Congress has voted to not allow the USPS to end Saturday delivery. Per Reuters, "the Postal Service has said that while it would not pick up or deliver first-class mail, magazines and direct mail, it would continue to deliver packages and pharmaceutical drugs on Saturdays."

The USPS, because of Congress' brilliance, is forced to fund pensions today for employees who haven't even been born yet. They've got a $16B deficit. Ending Saturday delivery would save the USPS $2B annually.

Look here, you dumbass Congresspeople.

Just because you're a bunch of stupid old technologically deficient blowhards who never heard of the "INTERNET" and "EMAIL", doesn't mean that the rest of the world doesn't know that ending Saturday delivery wouldn't be the apocolypse. The rest of the world does their banking online, gets and pays their bills online, gets their Netflix porn on their laptops, sends birthday cards and wedding invitations and RSVP to bar mitzvahs via Facebook (NOT that I'm bitter about that or anything).

Is it soooo important that you get your damn junk mail on Saturday? One more thing to recycle (oh wait - you don't believe in caring for the planet - never mind).

Are you that eager to bankrupt the USPS so that you can lay off more government workers and privatize yet another government agency in order to line the pockets of your rich fat-cat corporation buddies?

Oh. Never mind.

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