Wednesday, October 19, 2011

And in today's war on women... the internet

It never seems to end, does it?

Senator Jim DeMint (R-SC) injected an amendment into the Agriculture, Rural Development, Food and Drug Administration, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act that would prohibit women and doctors from discussing abortion over the internet.

The DeMint amendment could bar discussion of abortion over the Internet and through videoconferencing, even if a woman's health is at risk and if this kind of communication with her doctor is her best option to receive care. Under this amendment, women would need a separate, segregated Internet just for talking about abortion care with their doctors.

What the everloving fuck?!

Yes, he injected this into a freaking agriculture bill. And yes, he had the balls to actually suggest this.

The House has had more votes on anti-choice measures just this year, making it the most ever since 2000.

Tell me again how the GOPs in Congress are only trying to push jobs. I dare you.


  1. The GOP: willing to keep thousands out of work in order to get one man out of his job.

  2. I know. It totally pisses me off. And the media doesn't call them on it. Which pisses me off more.
