Friday, October 28, 2011

The House's Heavy Schedule - be careful not to break a nail!

So, the House has released its schedule for 2012. And wow, I sure hope they don't tax themselves too much. (Didja catch that clever little double entendre? Huh? Didja?)

Apparently that isn't going to be a problem in either case. Well, the obvious being that they're rich, so of course they won't tax themselves! But really, where I was going with this is that they are working less than 30% of the year.

Huh. It brings up a few issues for me.

  1. The House has a crapton of work to do, given that they are so busy restricting women's rights and not creating jobs and all.
  2. Also, the House is dying to remove all those pesky labor laws that keep businesses from paying their workers a living wage and not working children into the ground and not having a 7 day work week.
  3. The House members (and you know who you are!) accuse the working middle class and poor in the US of being lazy. Hmmm....

OK then. When pressed on the issue, Eric Cantor's comeback was that since 1990, the House has averaged only 112 days per year. Like that makes it all ok. Forget that we were in an economic boom for that decade (thank you, President Clinton) and that, well, when the Dems ruled the House, they only worked 108 days. HA! Oh, and forget that three wrongs don't make a right.

Can you imagine a world where the workers got together and decided their working conditions? Oh, wait. The unions are unconstitutional, too.

OK, backtrack. Can you imagine a world where the workers got together and told their boss that they were only going to work less than 1/3 of the year? I'll try if you will, too! Yeah, I thought not.

But hello! There's a ton of work to be done. I get it that the GOP is planning to do absolutely nothing in order to stall the economy and make the President look bad come election day. And really, I TOTES sympathize. But if they had to actually, you know, answer to their boss (that would be, uh, US) the way that we have to be accountable to our bosses, then we might get better than the equivalent of "I know you are, but what am I?"

Oh, wait. We do have that. It's called elections.

Please. VOTE.

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