Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Rick Santorum wants you to have children until your uterus falls out

Rick Santorum would like to not only defund all abortion coverage, but all contraception coverage as well. Because, you see, we should only "do eeeet" when we're married and only to have children. And, oh yeah, if you happen to get a little pleasure out of it, well goody for you. But really, pleasure isn't what it's all about.

Opening doors up again for marital rape, because if she doesn't want it and she doesn't get pleasure out of it, well then, if hubby wants kids, then shut up and take it.

(move forward to 17:50 for the discussion)

Someone might have forgotten to tell the cavemen, and the ancient peoples, and the medieval peoples, and, well, freaking every civilization that ever walked the face of the earth, because people have been having sex for pleasure (and outside marriage) for as long as there have been people.

Dooood, wake up and smell the crazy! You are an ass.

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