Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Quote of the day

From pizza mega-godfather, sexual harasser, failed candidate Herman Cain, trying to explain the seemingly unexplainable ever-widening gender gap between President Obama and Mitt Romney:

Yes, President Obama is very likable to most people, if you just look at him and his family. But if you look at his policies, which is what most people disagree with, it’s a different story. And I think many men are much more familiar with the failed policies than a lot of other people, as well as the general public.

First of all, if anyone is familiar with failed policies, I have to admit, it's likely Herman Cain, whose major policy aside from his policy of trying to feel up his employees, is 9-9-9. Which we all know, is 666 upside down, making Cain TEH DEVIL. And also, the king of failed policy.

Next item...

Ladies, be sure not to worry your pretty little heads about those complicated things like government policy. It's awfully advanced for such pretty little things like us. Men are so much more familiar with policy. Why don't we just go back to the kitchen and make Mr. Cain some pizza? Or at least get in the backseat and let him grope us?

We are now "a lot of other people", which is apparently the opposite of "men", and not the general public. I assume that makes us, what, caterpillars? Apparently uninformed, stupid, incapable of understanding policy, non-people caterpillars.

We may be "other people" (and hey - at least Cain thinks we're people, not livestock), and we may not be members of the "general public", but we are excellent caterpillars. Caterpillars who vote. Please - get out of your cocoons and vote in the upcoming elections!

Plus, President Obama? He's super hot. I just loooove his smile, don't you?  I know that's how I decide for whom I'll vote.

Watch as Cain spouts his misogynist theories on women's intelligence on - duh, where else? - Fox News:

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