Friday, June 15, 2012

I am not you

I was going to link up to a million different articles and examples of religious extremists (and sadly, I include the Catholic church now) trying to force their religion on me, trying to prove they're better than me, have better values, have more morals, love the "real god", blah blah blah... yada yada yada...

But then I realized there's just too much out there, and to try to link up would be so daunting it's not worth my time or energy. So I will simply state this:

I am a Jew. I am comfortable in my faith. I am comfortable with my relationship with G-d. I am comfortable that I've given my children a great foundation to begin their adult lives. I am comfortable with my values, morals, ethics (and, ok, sass). They are all what make me who I am. I am not you. You cannot force me to be you though guilt, media, bullying or legislation.

Just like I don't try to force you to be me.

(Oh, and also? My people were here first. And are the chosen people. So there.)

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