Friday, June 22, 2012

Immigration policy you don't agree with is not the equivalent of raping little children

Oh, Michael Reagan, when will you learn?

We seem to have a rhetoric problem in today's politics. If you don't like a policy or solution put forward by the opposition, call them a Nazi, or even better, call them a rapist of little children

In a column for the Cagle Post, Michael Reagan once again shows galling disrespect for the President, calling him "Emperor" and accusing him of abusing the separation of powers following the President's speech on immigration and the administration's new policy. Oh, so now you're all about separation and the Constitution.  Now that you don't like what he has to say. Just not separation of church and state in the Constitution. What. Ever.

Anyway... shall we review your article? 
Have you noticed how he never wants to solve anything in the long run?
Uhh... Pretty sure that's what he's been trying to do since the day he took office. Fixing things for the long run. By proposing in the American Jobs Act that we invest in infrastructure, alternative energy, education. Things that the CBO predicted would increase revenue in the long run; improve the economy; improve unemployment. But those things cost some cash in the short term, so nooooo. We couldn't possibly do that!

Plus? (He's black.)

So when your buddies like John Boehner ask "Where's the President's Plan? Uhhh... long term plans for jobs and immigration are right there on his website. He never said that this was the long-term and only solution for the immigration problem. It's a short term helping measure while we work out comprehensive reform. And since when do we only do something if every little piece of it is fixed right then and there? We have always been a nation that inches its way toward big reforms.

As for immigration. I know you don't like the fact that there are any brown people here. Honest. We all get that. However, even your father (the one that was a gentleman, of which I reminded you here) even agreed that those brown folks should be allowed to stay here under certain circumstances. Sound familiar? It sounds just like what President Obama proposed.

Proposing that we help people who are contributing to our economy, bettering themselves, and looking toward the future is NOT the same thing as raping little children.
Now he’s doing to Latinos what Penn State coach Jerry Sandusky allegedly did to the children of Pennsylvania — using and abusing them.
These things are in no way the same. Not even a little, tiny bit. And by implying that they are, you minimize everything that was done to those children. You minimize the fact that a man - someone who they trusted - physically violated their person by shoving his dick up their butt when they were too small or weak or not in a position of power and couldn't stop him. Was that too graphic for you? Well, it is. It's not pretty. Rape is ugly. It's a violation of trust, of respect, of an individual's personal freedom. (aren't you all about individual freedom? Or is that only for the rapist, not the rape victim?) Rape is an abuse of power. In Sandusky's case, it was also a violation of authority. It was child abuse at its worst. It was rape, pure and simple.

And to you and all the other good ol' boys out there who choose to liken rape to something we should simply buy insurance against, or try to remember all the good things that first attracted us to him, or the victim asked for it, I say fuck you. Those little boys didn't ask for it because they happened to be naked... in a shower. They didn't ask for it because they were in awe of a powerful man, a role model in the form of a football coach of one of the most beloved teams in the US. They didn't ask for it because they wanted to feel powerless. They didn't ask for it at all. Not a single one said, "Oh, Mr. Sandusky. Would you please stick your dick up my butt?" And no amount of "personality disorder" or fundraising for underprivileged children will change that. And BTW, Sandusky's personality disorder? It's freaking called pedophilia. And it doesn't excuse him from responsibility for his crimes.

To equate President Obama to a pedophile rapist is reprehensible. Of course, if you stick to your guns, you might have to acknowledge that he isn't Muslim. Because we all know that it's the Catholic priests who most like to rape little children. So... I guess then... the President is Catholic? In which case... go for it!

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