Thursday, October 11, 2012

And today in Someone Invokes Hitler

For the love of all that is holy, cut it the fuck out.

Oops - mom, you might want to stop reading now. A 'splosion of eff words is about to spew forth...

I feel like if I have to explain the difference between Hitler and anything else even one more time my head will 'splode.

So, commence with the 'sploding heads.

Adolf Hitler had a specific plan in mind. He wanted to, in a fit of 'I'm so much better than you', rid the world of anyone who wasn't exactly like him and his cronies. Meaning white, Aryan, straight, etc (although there is a lot of evidence that Hitler's cronies all visited the easily found gay hangouts and ...errr... enjoyed them tremendously).

Hitler, in that effort, systematically rounded up anyone not fitting his own vision of perfection, sent them off to prisons in cattle cars hundreds of people deep, worked them to death in camps, gassed and shot them, medically experimented on them in unspeakable ways, buried them in mass graves and cremated them in huge ovens to not only hide the evidence, but because there were so many damn bodies they had to do something with them, and tried to wipe evidence of their existence from the earth altogether.

While Christians may advocate converting everyone to their way of thinking, most people would raise a fuss over exterminating entire populations of people in the same manner as Hitler did. Or maybe that's just my innate optimism shining through.

What? You don't think I'm optimistic? I'm actually a pretty sunny person.

So, why do I feel the need today to explain this yet again (to the dismay of my poor 'sploding head)? Two reasons:

Today, the Wall Street Journal decided that President Obama's campaign team calling Mitt Romney a liar (and he is!) is a path down the road to Nazism. I shit you not.

Explicitly calling someone a "liar" is—or used to be—a serious and rare charge, in or out of politics. It's a loaded word. It crosses a line. "Liar" suggests bad faith and conscious duplicity—a total, cynical falsity.

Do go on... I'm fine with this so far. Seems to describe Romney to a T.

The Obama campaign's resurrection of "liar" as a political tool is odious because it has such a repellent pedigree. It dates to the sleazy world of fascist and totalitarian propaganda in the 1930s.
Say what? Was the term liar invented for Hitler? Somehow I missed out on that in my Jewish and American history education. Oh, my mistake.

No. Calling someone out on their untruths (aka LIES) is not being a sleazy fascist. It is not invoking totalitarian propaganda. It simply means that Romney is lying. If they want to call out President Obama on lies, by all means, call him a liar, too, if he is. But hmmm... that doesn't seem to be happening. Perhaps because Romney is such a big, bald-faced liar.

The other Nazi reference came today here. The former Archbishop of Canterbury has now likened opponents of gay marriage to Jews in Nazi Germany. Awww, those poor folks who want to diminish the rights of others are just like all the Jews who were killed. Uhhh...

Just shut the fuck up, with all due respect (and apparently very little is due).

From The Guardian: Asked about opponents of gay marriage being described as "bigots" – on one occasion by Nick Clegg, the deputy prime minister – Carey said: "Let us remember the Jews in Nazi Germany. What started against them was when they started to be called names. (ed note: not true)

"And that was the first stage towards that totalitarian state. We have to resist them. We treasure democracy. We treasure our Christian inheritance and we want to debate this in a fair way."
Ben Summerskill, the chief executive of gay rights group Stonewall, said: "We're deeply saddened that Lord Carey seems to be resorting to student union abuse. The reality is that gay people are very well aware of the consequences of the Holocaust, for obvious reasons, and when someone descends to this level of rhetoric it suggests they don't think they have very powerful arguments to rely on.

"Lord Carey is perfectly entitled to his view and we respect that. It's the view of many people of his generation and we accept that, but to compare Cameron to Hitler is just sad as well as being entirely inappropriate.

"It's extraordinary that he should resort to this sort of invective and profoundly unchristian. There will be gay people of faith who are very disturbed by what he has said.

Stop with the Hitler calling. Do I need to say it again? Why yes, apparently I do. Stop with the Hitler calling.

It's especially galling here because Hitler included gays in his extermination plans, and now Carey is trying to use those that hate gays (aka, if we have to make comparisons... those on Hitler's side of the issue)  as pseudo-victims and intimate that they will suffer the same fate as the actual people that Hitler wanted to kill off (aka, if we have to make comparisons... gays). Really? Such unmitigated gall.

No, no, no. You do NOT get to use the backs of those killed in such a horrific manner to advance your own political agenda (which appears to be,...errr... to rid the earth of gays. Sound familiar?)

My head has now 'sploded and there is nothing left of my brain but a pile of goo and mush. Lucky you. Hopefully that means this is the last post of the day.

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