Thursday, October 11, 2012

Romney and the media-condoned lies

Dear news media,

You suck. Seriously. I don't care whose pocket you're in - left, right, whatever. Report the news, not the news bites. Or stop calling yourself news.

The news is, that Romney lied his ass off during the debate, and that he has in the week since, continued to lie his ass off. He says one thing on the national news (like, I have no intention of signing legislation to restrict a woman's rights) - BIG NEWS, and his campaign quietly corrects that statement a couple hours later (Romney is firmly pro-life and will support all pro-life legislation) - no news. 

By letting him get away with the lies, you endorse that as a campaign tactic. 

Romney was sooooo presidential at the debate!!! 

Yeah, you can look and sound presidential and forceful, but if what's coming out of your mouth is a pack of bullshit, I hesitate to call you presidential.

I implore you, report the facts. Call Romney on his lies (and yes, President Obama as well), but really actually dooo eeeet with as much gusto as you report the lie. Say, "Hey, today Romney said he has no idea of any anti-abortion legislation that might be part of his agenda, but for the last 2 years, he has claimed he'll put only pro-life justices on the supreme court who will overturn Roe v Wade, and would support personhood amendments to the constitution." 

Uhhh... little flip flopping there? How about you report that? And then how about you note that 2 hours later, Romney spokeswoman Andrea Saul says, "Mitt Romney is proudly pro-life and will be a pro-life president. Gov. Romney would of course support legislation aimed at providing greater protections for life."

Here he is just 8 months ago:

And in 2011, he signed this pro-life pledge.

Also, when Romney claims that he has no idea of any legislation to restrict abortion, it's an obvious lie. But even if it wasn't... the President is the leader of the party by default. The GOP party platform in 2012 calls for a constitutional ban on abortion. Uhhh, I'd call that an idea for legislation, wouldn't you?

"We support a human life amendment to the Constitution and endorse legislation to make clear that the Fourteenth Amendment's protections apply to unborn children."
That's pretty effing clear as to the direction legislation might turn, isn't it? Report it, dammit!

I am so effing sick of the media being blamed for being so liberal, when in fact, they are so scared of being labeled as such that they continually report the news in a right-leaning fashion.

Where is your integrity? Where is your pride in a job well done? Where is your freaking dignity?

I don't care how much of an instant gratification world we live in. Realize the importance and consequence of what you say. This is not child's play for chrissake. This is the future of the United States of America and the world at stake. Act like it. Grow a pair of freaking balls and tell the people what needs to be said.

And if you can't? Then shut the hell up and get out of the game. Because you will ruin the future for us all.

Disgustedly yours,

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