Friday, November 9, 2012

It's the end of the world as we know it...

And I feel fine.

Like all of you, I’m sure, my twitter and Facebook streams were filled with DOOMSDAY and the END OF AMERICA!!!!! after the election on Tuesday. But one particular comment struck me, and that’s what I want to address today.

The comment was along these lines:
I just heard from my employer that they have to report on our W-2 how much they are providing in health care coverage. So we’re now having to pay taxes on our health insurance benefit. That means if you received $5000 in health care benefits, and your tax bracket is 20%, then you have to pay taxes on an additional $1000. America Died! (tm Victoria Jackson)

 (or something to that effect – the man is a friend of my husband, not mine, so I can’t access the actual post).

So here’s the thing. First off, employers are simply required to report what they pay in health insurance-related benefits by 2012. Last year it was optional. This year it's not. They are reporting it to the government but it is not part of your taxable income. Your employer reports lots of things to the government that you aren't taxed on. So no, you aren't paying taxes on your health benefits this year. You’re full of shit. Or ignorant. Or both.

Next, we all pay taxes. Far from being unconstitutional, this is explicitly spelled out in Article 1, Section 8 of the Constitution y’all claim to love so much.
Section 8 - Powers of Congress

The Congress shall have Power To lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defence and general Welfare of the United States (emphasis mine)
And your beloved Roberts Supreme Court declared the Affordable Care Act constitutional. And much as Rand Paul would like to wish otherwise, yes Virginia, a majority of the Supreme Court ruling something constitutional actually does make it constitutional.

Whether we like it or not, health insurance is a benefit of employment for most of us. Most of us like it. Because when we need it? Yeah, we’re really happy it’s a benefit. Paying $20 at the doctor is so much nicer than paying $200. Also, isn’t the Republican motto something like “You don’t get anything for free”? So guess what? Your benefits aren’t free either. They encompass part of your employment package. Just like vacation days and sick days and paid holidays like Christmas (and for the record – I don’t get paid for Yom Kippur, so shut up). When benefits are provided, we pay taxes on them. If I get a bonus cause I’m such an awesome employee? That’s taxable income. If I call out sick and use 8 hours of sick time? Yup. That’s taxable income. When I get a day off on Christmas? Yup, taxable income. If I get paid for my vacation? Nodding. Taxable income. See where I’m going here?

Employer provided health insurance is a benefit, just like vacation days, sick days, holiday days, or a bonus. So if my employer pays $5000 for me to have health insurance? Yes, that could be a taxable benefit. Do I have to like it? Of course not. But those are the facts.

Here are some more facts. We don’t all love where our tax money goes. I didn’t want my taxes to pay for two wars I disagreed with (un-American me!!). I didn’t want to pay for Dick Cheney’s heart transplant, or even to give him his very first heart. I am not the Wizard of Oz. I am not in the business of providing those without a heart, a heart. To be honest, I also hate that my taxes pay for Mitch McConnell’s health insurance or any other rape apologist misogynist idiot who happens to get elected by spouting un-Christian Christian beliefs. And I pay for their health insurance for life. Every single member of Congress. AM I happy about that? Nope. But guess what? My tax dollars pay for all that shit. And more.

So first, before you go spouting off about what you’re being taxed on, learn the facts. Your employer is obligated to report your health insurance benefit. Period. You are not required to pay tax on it.

And even if you were? It’s an employee benefit, just like sick time. So you should pay taxes on it. Get the fuck over it already.

And just because it needs to be said again… here’s what I posted in my Facebook feed yesterday after seeing one too many “We’ll see if the US still survives in 4 more years” comments:
OK, I was gonna hold my tongue after the election, but enough. Really. Corporate profits are hugely up under President Obama. The stock market is at record highs under President Obama. My 401K went from down 50% when Pres Bush was in office to recovering the loss to a gain of 50% under President Obama. All you whiny whiners whining about how bad he is for business and doomsdaying America need to take a dose of shutup.

And one more thing. If anyone has assassination comments here, on twitter, or anywhere, they should keep them to themselves and reevaluate their motives. I'm pretty sure, no I'm positive, that I despised almost every single one of President Bush's policies and thought he was a weasel and a bit of a dick personally, but I never, not once, wished for or advocated for his assassination or his death (by whatever means).

If you don't like the election outcome, guess what. President Obama will be out in 4 years. You get to vote again. Yay for you. Now be quiet.

I'll say it again. Now be quiet.

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