Thursday, March 15, 2012

No really, how come you guys always call us racist? Eleventy!!!1!!

Racist Anti-Obama Sticker Makes Rounds On Facebook

One of the highlights here is a bumper sticker that reads "Don't Re-Nig In 2012." The text below reads: "Stop repeat offenders. Don't re-elect Obama!"

The racist website that is hosting this abomination (and many others, if you watch the slideshow in the linked article) is Stumpy's Stickers. I refuse to link to it.

The fact that this is accepted behavior in our country is so distasteful. Worse than distasteful. Disgraceful. Disgusting. All the other Dis- words you can think of. If this were happening in reverse, you can bet there would be an outcry. You can bet someone would be going down. Imagine somebody saying all these things about Allen West. Believe me, there is plenty I could say about West's politics. Cause he's got idiotic ideas about what to do for our country. Are these ideas because he's black? No, they're because he's got freaking stupid ideas.

When someone is killed, and they will be, I hope all these people are brought to justice as co-conspirators.

Just because you don't agree with someone's politics, you don't get to attack them personally like this. Attack him on the issues - fine. But this is so far beyond human decency, I have nothing but contempt for anyone who doesn't denounce it.

You people are the reason that we are a laughingstock around the world, and why other countries look upon us with contempt.

Way to class it up, racists.

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