Friday, March 9, 2012

This is so the stupidest thing you're going to read today

I had planned to write a post about HR 347 (the "Trespass Bill") and how Congress is basically legislating the repeal of the 1st amendment, and how President Obama will likely sign it, and I still plan to do that, but this headline caught my eye today, and I thought perhaps it would be incumbent upon me to note once again how incredibly idiotic Sarah Palin is, and how I would love for her to have to take a US History exam (forget World History - learn your own country's history, for crying out loud!).

This is so the stupidest thing you're going to read all day.

Palin Says Obama Wants To Return To Racial Discrimination 'That Took Place Before The Civil War'

Talk about an oxymoron. Emphasis on moron.

Really? REALLY? Our President, who is black, wants pre-Civil War conditions? Really? This is so effing preposterous that I can't actually address it directly. Other than to state the obvious, which is that you are one crazysauce mothereffing pile of shit-stinking stupidity. But that's an insult to stupidity. So I won't say that.

What I will do is to point out that the laws being passed that are pushing us back to pre-Civil War times? Yeah. All done by Republicans.

Turning the country back into a lawless wild west where anyone can carry a gun anywhere, and pretty much use it any time? Yup. Republicans.

Pushing back women's rights so that our doctors have the right to lie to us just so we'll birth some more babies? Yup. Republican.

Wanting to make birth control illegal? Yup. Republicans.

Re-enacting Jim Crow laws, deliberately suppressing the rights of minority voters? Yup. Republicans.

Cut immigration so that those dirty Mexicans (née Irish) can't get in to our amazingly wonderful country that should only allow those of us in who came and massacred the people already living here in the name of God back in the day? Yeah. Republicans.

So Sarah, remind me again who it is that wants us to be back in the 1850s?

Oh, and by the way? That class warfare from pre-Civil War of which you speak? Dude. It's called SLAVERY.

Somehow I doubt that's really what President Obama is after. But you, on the other hand? Yeah. Not so sure.

Of course, my favorite Palin history gaffe: Paul Revere warns the British they can't take our guns away!
"He who warned, uh, the British that they weren't gonna be takin' away our arms, uh, by ringing those bells, and um, makin' sure as he's riding his horse through town to send those warning shots and bells that we were going to be sure and we were going to be free, and we were going to be armed." ~Sarah Palin, June 3, 2011

For your amusement (because lord knows, we need some amusement these days), here are a bunch more...

And because it also amuses me, I love how Michele Bachmann and John Wayne (Gacy) are from the same town!! High Five!

These are the women who make men think that women are stupid and can't make decisions for themselves. 

Just sayin.

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