Monday, January 14, 2013

How come you guys call us racist?

It's so exciting, y'all. Living in 'Murica where entrepreneurship gets you stuff. Big stuff. South Carolina Tea Party member Bob Cramer designed this t-shirt, yo. And it got him invited to the Tea Party convention!! Hooray! And it's political, not racist. See?

The design has been floating around since Congress began debating the Affordable Care Act, so really, Cramer didn't design anything at all. He just slapped an existing graphic onto a shirt. But CAPITALISM!

And in New Jersey, store owner Bill Skuby, who displayed the image in his store window said the following:

"This is America, isn't it? Aren't we able to say and do pretty much what we want to do?"

Yes, this is America, where you have the right to be as big a douche as you want, up to a point. But having the right to do something doesn't make it right to do something.

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