Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Riddle me this, Batman

This article, which provides a copy of Wayne LaPierre's idiotic fearmongering hate letter to potential NRA members, got me thinking about something, and not for the first time.

So, riddle me this, Batman. If gun fanatics complain that the 2nd amendment is absolute and there are no legal ways to put restrictions on it, then why is it that the 14th amendment isn't good enough to be absolute in its ability to protect pregnancy termination?

And conversely, if Roe v Wade could show that privacy has limits (in this case trimester limitations), then why shouldn't the 2nd amendment also be considered susceptible to limitations as well?


We need a couple more women on the Supreme Court so that they can expand Roe v Wade to do away with the trimester issue, and simply make it an absolute right to privacy.

And last, I just wanted to ensure that you had an opportunity to watch The Daily Show's brilliant and important response to the Sandy Hook shooting (they were on vacation when it happened, and have just returned).

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Scapegoat Hunter - Gun Control
The Daily Show with Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10c
Scapegoat Hunter - Gun Control
Daily Show Full EpisodesPolitical Humor & Satire BlogThe Daily Show on Facebook

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