Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Justifying death and being anti-choice

I've often wondered how someone justifies disapproval of terminating life (ie, "pro-life") with strong support of the death penalty (ie, anti-life).

I haven't truly decided where I come down on the death penalty, except that I would have to say that there would have to be incontrovertible DNA evidence of guilt in order for me to support it. However, it doesn't explain how Rick Perry can unabashedly preside over 235 executions, many of which were highly questionable in terms of the offender's guilt, and yet still claim to be pro-life.

Which leads me to say once again, these people are not pro-life. They are, in fact, anti-choice. They believe in taking away the citizen's right to choose for themselves. In other words, "the government is horrible and terrible and OMGintrusive!! Except when I want the government to intrude to uphold my beliefs. Then, the government should intrude because these dumb convicts and these dumb women are incapable of making intelligent decisions on their own, so we have to make them instead. Unless you want to tell ME what to do, in which case, fuck you! I'm seceding from the Union!"

I will never understand the hypocrisy that drives the far right to decry government on the one hand and on the same hand insist that the government intrude on women and stick the long arm of the law up inside my ladyparts and tell me what I can and can't do.

I would love it if these same people agreed that the government should not allow a man to get a vasectomy unless his wife approves and his doctor shows him a tape of someone slicing open his manparts and explaining in excruciating detail that he is ripping away any chance he has of fathering a child (and is in fact, killing his future children by killing off all his swimmers) and that his wife is still of child-bearing age, and so he's depriving her of the right to bear a bazillion children, and that is all just wrong according to the bible and the all-holy Jesus Christ. Because I'm guessing if a man wants to avoid having children, it's a-ok with them. In fact, I'd be willing to bet that many of these guys have already had vasectomies in secret, just like they have their gay sex in secret and their adulterous affairs in secret. Cause those things are certainly ok as long as nobody finds out.

Anyway, I digress. Really, I want to see Rick Perry justify putting 235 people to death while at the same time forcing women to give birth. And I'd like to hear him say with a straight face that this stance is pro-life.

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