Thursday, September 1, 2011

And in Rick Santorum is an ass news...

Let's see...

Marriage is a tree.
No, wait,  marriage is a napkin.
No, wait, marriage is a chair.
A napkin is not a paper towel, water is not beer, a cup of tea is not a basketball, and a tree is not a car. Wow, I am SO glad he cleared that up for me.

"This is a napkin. A napkin is what a napkin is. It isn't a paper towel. It isn't a car.' You can call a napkin a car, but it doesn't make it a car. You can call a paper towel a chair, but it doesn't make it a chair."
"There's a jihad against Rick Santorum."

People who don't love me foreverandever and believe what I believe, they are bigoted. Boo-fricken-hoo.

"The court can't create new rights for people..."

Well, Ricky, the court can certainly tell you that you can't restrict someone's rights...
"[My religious views] are irrelevant from how I look at things from a public policy point of view."
Really? The shut the fuck up about gay marriage.

"That child in the womb is biologically human — completely and fully human — and alive. Therefore, a human life. It’s reason that tells me that person that is now alive and human should be given the rights of any person under the Constitution. Where they are or where they’re located at the particular time in their life cycle shouldn’t determine whether they have constitutional rights or not."

Unless they're a woman, in which case they have no rights at all.

He must have been sad that Rick Perry was grabbing all the assy headlines this week.

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